Thursday, January 26, 2012

New year. New ideas. New Adventures.

Well Hello, and Happy Year of the Dragon! What ever this means to you, its the time for fresh beginnings and spiritual rejuvenations.

Since the last post, I have been working away like a little bee! I have constructed the base to Nicole Louise Fall 2012, and when i have the green light from my team of critics, I will begin the analyzation of the process! ooh what excitement :)

Other than that, I have been working on a few side projects, including some Interior design work for some friends in the real estate market and a dress or two for some photo oppurtunities that may or may not arise for the dreaded Valentines day!! haha ( jk) But the current project is one of my faves. Grad dress! Actually , I say its my fave, but whenever i take on the teen prom dress help I remember my love/hate relationship I hold so dearly with it! but hey, its time spent doing what I love... !

Ok so the recent dress, is for the finale model in my showing from Vancouver fashion week. The lovely Miss Oksana Bach!

The details will remain secret for a bit ( mainly cause we are working them out :) )

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