Sunday, November 6, 2011

The most succesfull acheivements are those that fail.

So I recently went to China. For a month as an assistant to a designer. Wonderful man, amazing designer, close friend, demanding human. (period) I mean demanding. When he needed something, he usually needed it right then and there. Fair enough... but sometimes not everything is automatically prepared for him in this world. So that is where i came into play. I did my best to make his life easier -not always a successfull venture for me :) However,  i did my time and tried to keep things running smoothly during the show. Oddly enough, when I did a great job, it just wasnt as satisfying as when i bombed a task for him.

When you do a great job and get thanked and told, "You are the best assistant, thank you , good job" Its simply the best accomplishment you have made. Then you gloat on yourself and how hard you work, then you are satisfied with the status quo, and then , BAM! - you forgot the camera on interview day. dum. ass. You will understand about 20 different reasons all at once of why this situ iion is so bad. I honestly can say this though, you will face challenges everyday and you can never be too prepared. Ever.

I learned firsthand exactly why having things neurotically prepared and micromanaged could have a extremely positive impact on the project as a hole. Schedules, 3 am email replying, hours of contemplation over lineups, indecisive styling details, and demanding attitude are essential components that have to be done with all of your heart and mind in the game.

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