Thursday, July 12, 2012

Darling Oksana. Emerald Beauty.

We all know her from VFW and every other possible fashion production via Vancouver. Proud and Inspiring. A collaboration of two minds produced a lovely gown.

Presenting Oksana Bach in her graduation party wear

The Naomi Dress

Lovely girl, needed a dress. custom fit. gave me an outline of ideas. we worked together extensively. changes, changes, changes - as females, this is quite a natural process. One person has an idea, the other has the realistic facts. She was happy in the end, as was I , but there were alot of sacrifices by both in the end.

Naomi (middle)
Result... a beautiful young woman, marking a huge milestone in her life, wearing a fantastic dress, made by me, designed by friendship xo

2011.... wait.... its 2012.

I seem to find myself everyday thinking, I love designing. I love fashion. I love public. Well, thankfully I live this concept in my life and I get to enjoy it all the time. It is everywhere. However I am a bit despaired in the process of a collection - currently.

I am looking back at the year and realizing how incredibly lucky I am to have the oppurtunities that I have had, and I am happy to have done at least some sewing amongst the jobs and internships this year as well.

However, all excuses aside,  I do realize that its July and there are collections to be made that i promised myself in the beginning of the year, that by September , come love, fire, earthquake, homelessness, or any disaster for that fact - I would have at least something ready. So as I embark on my journey of a collection that will hold no season, no boundaries, and no rules (other than the outlines Drew William ,Nargus and Julia Lee have given me via school) I will place myself back into the mind frame of life vs design. So far life has won this year, but I feel design is grabbing me by the ponytail ... er bun, and dragging my lazy ass in the opposite direction.