Thursday, July 12, 2012

Darling Oksana. Emerald Beauty.

We all know her from VFW and every other possible fashion production via Vancouver. Proud and Inspiring. A collaboration of two minds produced a lovely gown.

Presenting Oksana Bach in her graduation party wear

The Naomi Dress

Lovely girl, needed a dress. custom fit. gave me an outline of ideas. we worked together extensively. changes, changes, changes - as females, this is quite a natural process. One person has an idea, the other has the realistic facts. She was happy in the end, as was I , but there were alot of sacrifices by both in the end.

Naomi (middle)
Result... a beautiful young woman, marking a huge milestone in her life, wearing a fantastic dress, made by me, designed by friendship xo

2011.... wait.... its 2012.

I seem to find myself everyday thinking, I love designing. I love fashion. I love public. Well, thankfully I live this concept in my life and I get to enjoy it all the time. It is everywhere. However I am a bit despaired in the process of a collection - currently.

I am looking back at the year and realizing how incredibly lucky I am to have the oppurtunities that I have had, and I am happy to have done at least some sewing amongst the jobs and internships this year as well.

However, all excuses aside,  I do realize that its July and there are collections to be made that i promised myself in the beginning of the year, that by September , come love, fire, earthquake, homelessness, or any disaster for that fact - I would have at least something ready. So as I embark on my journey of a collection that will hold no season, no boundaries, and no rules (other than the outlines Drew William ,Nargus and Julia Lee have given me via school) I will place myself back into the mind frame of life vs design. So far life has won this year, but I feel design is grabbing me by the ponytail ... er bun, and dragging my lazy ass in the opposite direction.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New year. New ideas. New Adventures.

Well Hello, and Happy Year of the Dragon! What ever this means to you, its the time for fresh beginnings and spiritual rejuvenations.

Since the last post, I have been working away like a little bee! I have constructed the base to Nicole Louise Fall 2012, and when i have the green light from my team of critics, I will begin the analyzation of the process! ooh what excitement :)

Other than that, I have been working on a few side projects, including some Interior design work for some friends in the real estate market and a dress or two for some photo oppurtunities that may or may not arise for the dreaded Valentines day!! haha ( jk) But the current project is one of my faves. Grad dress! Actually , I say its my fave, but whenever i take on the teen prom dress help I remember my love/hate relationship I hold so dearly with it! but hey, its time spent doing what I love... !

Ok so the recent dress, is for the finale model in my showing from Vancouver fashion week. The lovely Miss Oksana Bach!

The details will remain secret for a bit ( mainly cause we are working them out :) )