Monday, July 25, 2011

Die. fabric, die

Ok so i want to hand paint the silksfor a few pieces of my collection. I do not have the means or time to construct devices that i need. So being the creative, handy gal I am, I flipped the table and customized the kitchen...... check this out

and the product..... I have done a few samples, first time painting wet fabric... just testing the waters here...
going to research flowers now... apparently it isnt my forte'

Sunday, July 10, 2011


So my collection is featuring jewelled accesories, specifically simple gold hunks that are the weight for suspension in each garment they attend. They serve a purpose, they are a needed accesory.

Anyways, the original draft was solid gold, and of course, being custom peices, i would either have to make myself, or have them made. After realizing that this is an expensive endeavour when your not the goldminers daughter, i had to sacrifice. Also, time. time time time. i dont exactly have the extra hours in my day to cast metals in the kitchen! Sooo, i decided to take a different route. I made clay peices of all the jewels to begin with , and i was going to paint them gold, but could not find a gold application that would be smooth, shiny and yellow enough to look like a peice of gypsy jewel.

UGH! so at this point i had been a wee bit stressed. The concept has to be there or the whole collection is pointless.

Upon a recent trip to Victoria for a weekend of festivities, i found my good friend had taken up a new hobby. Glass blowing. Glass art. Brilliant! She melts glass and makes things. Sooo the gold peices will be made of glass. This is very much my esthetic, simple and clear, it is a heavy weight , but has an airy presence, I can either fill with gold flecks or a gold backing. Now, to find someone who can make this...
Size samples of peices needed made of glass. New-small and sterling on Granville Island..BEAUTIFUL gallery, very helpfull!!

concept board.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gypsy Theivery



My idea is to take the gold and glass and merge the two, accesorizing different pieces of the collection. The two together make a pristine, rich understated point. I wanted the gold to represent the abundance of charming ornaments draping the mystic women but still keeping it withing my personal esthetic of clean and fresh using weighted material but aiming to keep a delicate sense to it.


So here are three sides of a lady. Front, back and profile. I used a combination of illustrator and photoshop to create them after I hand sketched them and scanned them into my computer. They are still in rough draft form, and also when i convert them into jpegs through photoshop, then they lose alot of detail within them. I will have to research this.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Upland Gypsy girl. girl

structured but free flowing garments, meant to capture the pure essence of beauty through simplicity

Designed for the woman aged 30-40 years old who is committed to her posh lifestyle and career, earning an income of approximately $100 000.00 annually. Needing to keep her elite

social status and wanting the convenience of living close to work, she dwells just outside of the metropolitan city core in spacious house or luxurious pent suite. This urban woman lives

a socially glamorous lifestyle during all hours of the day with a job that keeps her in a public scene. With her spare time she keeps fit and healthy, stays up to date on fashions around

the world and is sincerely interested in art and literature. She needs to represent her strength as a professional woman, while keeping her youthful  innocence.

For me, the gypsy concept began with a scarf and the mystery of the secret life a gypsy can be perceived to lead. No one really knows what the gypsy does, what they have, who they

are or how they live. Free spirited beings who live their lives however they want.  Draped in jewels, selling potions and telling fortunes…..
                                                                              .....Your kinda like a Gypsy...